The management of Northwest Folk Dancers, Inc. (NFDI) shall be vested in a Board of nine (9) Trustees elected by the membership.


Section 1.   Election of the Officers

A.    The officers of NFDI shall be elected by the Board from among themselves.

B.    The President shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive years.

Section 2.   Duties of the Officers

A.    The President shall:

(1)   Preside at all meetings of NFDI.

(2)   Appoint chairmen of all standing and special committees.

(3)   Attend NFDI's festivals.

(4)   Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

(5)   Call such meetings as he/she is empowered to call with a minimum of one meeting of the Board each year.

(6)   Present at the final meeting of the Board a report giving a review of NFDI's activities for the past year with any recommendations he/she considers advisable.

(7)   Sign all contracts and other official documents approved by the Board.

(8)   Perform all other duties as are appropriate to this office.

B.    The Vice President shall:

(1)   Assist the President in coordinating all activities of NFDI.

(2)   In the absence or incapacity of the President, perform the duties of that office.

(3)   Have the general responsibility for promoting festivals and other events as approved by the Board.

(4)   Chair the Nomination and Election Committee(s) and be responsible for its (their) functioning.

(5)   Perform all other duties as are appropriate to this office.

C.    The Treasurer shall:

(1)   Prepare a budget for the approval of the Board.

(2)   Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures.

(3)   Collect and receive all monies due and deposit all funds received in NFDI’s bank account(s).

(4)   Disburse NFDI's funds in accordance with the budget.

(5)   Present a financial report at each meeting of the Board.

(6)   Have charge of all NFDI financial records.

(7)   Perform all other duties as are appropriate to this office.

D.    The Secretary shall:

(1)   Conduct all official correspondence of NFDI.

(2)   Notify Board members of all NFDI meetings.

(3)   Keep a record of the minutes of all business meetings of NFDI.

(4)   Receive and file all reports of the officers and committees.

(5)   Have custody of the books, papers, and other documents related to the business of NFDI, except those specifically assigned to other officers or committee Chairs.

(6)   Maintain the official roll of current officers and standing committee chairs of NFDI.

(7)   Send all officers and committee chairmen a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws within 15 days after their assumption of duties.

(8)   Keep a record of the property owned by NFDI

(9)   Keep an up-to-date record of the Constitution and Bylaws.

(10)   Perform all other duties as are appropriate to this office.


Section 1.    Eligibility

In order to be eligible to become a Trustee, a candidate must be a voting member of NFDI in good standing (ref. Article V ‑ Section 4).

Section 2.    Nominating

The Nominating Committee shall:

A.    Obtain from each registered club and the general membership a panel of candidates for Trustees by September 1st.

B.    Determine eligibility and willingness of candidates to accept the nomination.

C.    Select at least 4 candidates for the 3-year terms for the Board.

D.    Prepare a slate of candidates and compose the ballot by September 30th. The ballot shall consist of:

(1)   Candidates for the Board.

(2)   Any pending proposals for change in the Constitution and Bylaws which have been approved by the Board.

(3)   Voting regulations as listed in Article III, Section 4.

(4)   Synopsis of the Candidates’ activities in NFDI and in their respective clubs.

Section 3.   Electing

A.    The Election Committee shall distribute the ballots to all voting members in good standing by November 1st and enclose two (2) envelopes with each ballot.

B.    Tally the returns and notify the Secretary in writing of the results after the ballots are returned to the Chair.

C.    Retain the ballots until the new Trustees take office.

D.    A plurality shall elect.

E.    In case of a tie vote, the Election Chair shall determine the winning candidate by lot.

F.    Newly elected Trustees shall take office for three (3) years, beginning January 1st.

Section 4.   Voting

A.    Only voting members in good standing with NFDI shall be eligible to vote.

B.    Each voting member may vote for 3 of the candidates for the Board.

C.    Voting shall be by secret ballot.

D.    Ballots received later than November 30th shall be void.

Section 5.   Vacancy on the Board

A vacancy on the Board, occurring for any other reason than expiration of term, shall be filled by the Board for the remainder of the term.


Section 1.    Annual Meeting of the Board

There shall be at least one meeting of the Board and membership each year, which shall be held on or about the third weekend in August.

Section 2.    Quorum at the Meetings of the Board

At a meeting of the Board, a simple majority of elected Board members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3.   Interim Meetings of the Board

A.    Initiation of the Interim Meetings:

(1)   By the President.

(2)   Upon request by any two members of the Board or petition of 15 or more members. A meeting originated by such request must be called within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request in writing by the Secretary.

B.    May be conducted by:

(1)   A full quorum of the Board Members present, or,

(2)   As many Board Members present as are able to attend, plus written comments and concurrences or non‑concurrences to the questions under discussion, provided a complete record of all such correspondence is retained in the Secretary's file.

(3)   Email or other electronic means, provided that any Board members without email are provided printed copies of the discussion and affix their vote and signature to an official copy of any votes taken.

C.   Notification concerning Board meetings.

(1)   The President, via the Secretary, shall notify all Board members concerning any meeting at least two weeks in advance of the date of the meeting.

(2)   Board meetings may be held on shorter notice only by the unanimous consent of the Board members.

D.   To render mandatory a Board meeting by physical presence of the Trustees:

(1)   Upon request by any two members of the Board, voting on any specific Organization business matter must be held in a physical meeting—in person—of the Board members, and not by correspondence.

(2)   Meetings originating by such request must be held within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request in writing by the Secretary.

Section 4.   Board Meeting and the Membership

A.    The Board shall keep the Membership informed about NFDI business transacted at its meetings.

B.    Members of NFDI in good standing may attend meetings of the Board, so long as they observe the Rules of Order of NFDI.

Section 5.   Rules of Order at Meetings of the Board

A.    In all matters of parliamentary law and procedure not covered by the Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision) shall govern.

B.    The agenda for each meeting of the Board will generally include the following:

(1)   Roll call

(2)   Reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting, and corrections.

(3)   President's report, Treasurer's report, and committee reports.

(4)   Unfinished business.

(5)   New Business:

(a)    Agenda originating from the Board.

(b)    Agenda originating from the Membership.

(c)    Impromptu business not on the agenda.

C.   Order of Recognition by the Chair shall be:

(1)   Board Members

(2)   General Membership

(3)   Guests and others. (The chair may, in the best interests of NFDI, accord special guests recognition in exception to the above order.)


Section 1.   Obtaining Membership

Membership in NFDI will be obtained by making application, stating all registered club affiliation, if any, and paying NFDI dues.

Section 2.   Categories of Membership

For NFDI purposes, there shall be six (6) categories of membership.

A.    Club membership

B.    Regular member, 18 years and older

C.   Household membership, two adults, eighteen years and older, living in the same household.

D.   Junior membership, member 17 years and under.

E.    Family membership, one or two adult members and any children seventeen years of age and under.

F.    Gold Card memberships to be determined by the Board.

Section 3.   Voting Members

A.    Club memberships and adult members, including Gold Card members, are each allowed one vote.

B.    Household & family memberships are allowed up to two votes (one per adult).

Section 4.   Good Standing

A member shall be regarded as being in good standing so long as his/her dues are paid up-to-date and he/she has not been suspended.

Section 5.   Suspension of Membership

An individual's membership may be suspended and/or revoked if a majority of the Board deems it to be in the best interest of NFDI, and a registered letter to this effect is sent to the member.


Section 1.    Acquisition of Registered Club Status

A folk dance group becomes a Registered Club by:

A.    Acceptance by the Membership Chairman of its application to affiliate with NFDI

B.    Payment of the annual club registration fee

Section 2.   Suspension of Registered Club Status

A Registered Club's affiliation with NFDI may be suspended and/or revoked if a majority of the Board deems it to be in the best interests of NFDI, and a registered letter to this effect is sent to the club.


Section 1.   Acquisition of Affiliated Organization Status

An Organization becomes an Affiliated Organization by:

A.    Acceptance by the Board of its application to affiliate with NFDI

B.    Payment of the annual Affiliation fee, or an exchange of services.

Section 2.   Suspension of Affiliated Organization Status

An affiliated organization's affiliation with NFDI may be suspended and/or revoked if a majority of the Board deems it to be in the best interests of NFDI, and a registered letter to this effect is sent to the organization.


Section 1.   Dues

A.    Amount of annual dues: The Board shall have the power to set the amount of the dues.

B.    Dues shall be due and payable each year on the membership anniversary date.

Section 2.   Club Registration Fee

A.    Amount of annual registration fee: The Board shall have the power to set the amount of the annual registration fee.

B.    The club Registration Fee shall be due and payable each year on the membership anniversary date.

Section 3.   Affiliated Organization Fee

Amount of annual Affiliation fee: The Board shall have the power to set the amount of the annual Affiliated Organization Fee.


Section 1.   Impeachment of Officers

An officer may be impeached by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board for activity or conduct which the Board judges to be inimical to the best interest of NFDI.

Section 2.   Recall of Trustees

A.    A Trustee may become subject to recall by a petition signed by ten (10) percent of the voting members of NFDI in good standing, after which the recall may be effected by a majority vote of the ballots cast in a special election.

B.    Under a recall proceeding, the Board shall call a special election within thirty (30) days after receipt of a verified petition by the Secretary.


Section 1.   Initiation of an Amendment

A.    By a majority vote of the Board, or

B.    By petition of ten (10) percent of the voting members in good standing

Section 2.   Adoption of an Amendment

A.    By a majority vote of the ballots cast by the voting members in good standing as part of an election to be held within thirty (30) days after the petition by the membership or request by the Board has been filed with the Secretary.

B.    The amendment shall go into effect immediately thereafter.


There shall be the following standing committees established to assist the President and the Board in carrying out the necessary business of NFDI.

A.    Membership

B.    Publications

C.   Events

D.   Scholarship

E.    Publicity

F.    Nominations

G.   Budget

H.   Policy

I.     Election

There shall be such other committees as President and Board deem advisable.


No part of the income or contributions of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any Member or Trustee.

In the event of the dissolution the corporation, any monies or property then remaining on hand shall belong to the Children's Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center in Seattle, Washington [legal name as of 2008: Seattle Children’s].



The above Constitution and Bylaws submitted to the Membership for acceptance at the regular election November 1970. Approved Dec. 1, 1970, and effective immediately.

Article VII, Section 1, Item B and Section 2 Item B amended at the regular election November 1972, and effective immediately.

Article IV Affiliation of the Constitution, Section 3, was added and approved at the regular election November 1976

Additions of Sections of 4, 5, 6 to Article VI of the Bylaws was approved at the regular election November 1976.

Addition of Section 3 to Article VII Dues and Fees was approved at the regular election November 1976.

Change of Article VI of the Constitution to eliminate the office of Immediate Past President approved in a special election July 1978.

Change Article II Bylaws to 9-member Board of Trustees approved in a special election July 1978.

Change Article II Section 1B.       Two consecutive years approved by special election July 1978.

Change Article II Section 2B.       Bylaws giving Vice President charge of Nomination/Election Committee(s) by special election 1978.

Change Article I Board of Trustees to 9-member Board with 3 members elected each year for 3-year terms approved regular election 1979.

Change Article II Bylaws Sections 2D and 2E, creating Corresponding Secretary and dividing duties of Secretaries. (Also Article VI Constitution) approved regular election 1979.

Change Article V‑Bylaws Section 1. Delete, Section 4 become Section 3, Change to five categories of Membership, Regular, Household, Junior, Family, and Gold Card. Approved Regular Election 1979.

Article II, Section 2B: Change the term of the President from two years to three years. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article II, Section B3: Change the definition of the Vice President’s responsibilities for events and festivals. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article II, Sections 2D and 2E: The offices of Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary are combined. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article III, Section 2A changed to conform to current practice. Sections 2E and 2F were deleted. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article V, Section 2 (Obligations of Membership) was deleted. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article V, Section 3 (Definition of Voting Members) was added. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article VI, Section 1C was deleted. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article VI, Section 2 (Obligations of Affiliation (Registered Club Status)) was deleted. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article VII (Affiliated Organizations) heading was added. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article VII, Section 2 (Obligations of Affiliation (Affiliated Organization Status)) was deleted. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article VIII, Section 1 and Section 2 were changed to reflect that dues are payable on the membership anniversary date, not January 1. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article XI (Committees) was changed to delete Magazine Editor (included in Publications), Institutes (changed to Events), Standardization, and Research. Approved Regular Election 2008.

Article I   Board of Trustees, was changed to increase the number of Board members from nine to 12, as long as each candidate got a minimum of 10 percent of the votes cast. Approved Regular Election 2013.

Article I.  Board of Trustees, restored to nine members with no minimum of votes cast.  Approved Regular Election 2017.

Article XI. Added a note about the current legal name of the hospital, 2017.