We are Northwest Folk Dancers Incorporated (NFDI), the "Where to Folk Dance" organization for the Pacific Northwest.
About us
Northwest Folk Dancers Incorporated (NFDI) is a non-profit "umbrella" organization that promotes folk dancing and ethnic events.
NFDI publishes a monthly magazine, THE NORTHWEST FOLK DANCER, containing articles and advertisements of interest to the folk dance community. THE NORTHWEST FOLK DANCER magazine also includes listings of regular dances and classes and a separate comprehensive calendar of special events. Additional features are ethnic recipes, dance descriptions, club news, and information helpful for dancers, teachers of folk dance, and anyone interested in the food, dances, costumes, and history of other cultures.
NFDI coordinates a workshop and international folk dance at the NW Folklife Festival and also seeks new ways to promote all forms of ethnic dance.
NFDI provides scholarships for adults who want to attend folk dance camps and who agree to teach the dances to other NFDI clubs, and youth scholarships for students (high school and college age) who want to participate in a dance camp but need assistance to do so.
NFDI was incorporated in January of 1956 and is recognized by the IRS as a charitable non-profit under section 501(c)(3).
Our Newsletter
In the August 2024 issue: "My First World Beat Festival," "The Gala is coming! The Gala is coming," "A Flowery Tale--Skandia's Kukka Kioski," "Help NFDI Save Money: Receive a PDF," "Balkanalia 2024: Celebrating Legacies," and more! Don't miss out; become a member!
Articles in the September 2024 issue include "Stockton Dance Camp Highlights," "Stockton Summary," "It's a Wrap! Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2024," "Skandia Anniversary Alert: 8/30 Dinner Registration Deadline Ahead," "Skandia's Annual Northwest Spelmansstämma Set for Sunday, September 22," and "Create, Organize, Recover, and Grow," among others. Join us today!
Join NFDI online!
You can join NFDI using your credit card or PayPal! Click [Join] to be taken to the membership page.
NFDI is part of the PayPal Giving Program. Donations made through this program are not charged fees, and PayPal will send you a tax receipt. You can donate to NFDI through this program here.
Want to support NFDI when you shop online? Set us as your favorite charity, then click to donate $1 when you checkout with PayPal. Small donations add up! It's easy:
Many dances are happening again. Some require proof of vaccination or masks to attend; please check with the organizers for current information.
Kathy Bruni is the membership chair. Send membership applications to NFDI, P.O. Box 333, Lynnwood, WA 98046-0333.
For more information, contact Kathy Bruni, Webmaster
Site last revised: 9/7/2024
Copyright © 1999-2024 Northwest Folk Dancers Incorporated
Address comments and questions to:
NFDI Webmaster